среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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To those who feel we can move beyond standardized spelling:

I realize in a world of text messaging, email, and even spell check, that using correct spelling may not seem as important as it was in previous eras. However, you seem to be of the thought process that phonetic spelling is easier to learn and perhaps more consistent.

I would like to draw your attention to what would happen if the English language suddenly became phonetic. Please define for me conciens, repntaunce, advowtery, and sese.

These words are taken directly from the phonetic spelling reproduced in Bevingtonapos;s Medieval Drama. Unless you want anyone who reads anything ever to not splatter saliva and blood over books, desks, chairs, rugs, shelves, walls, computers, tea cups, cats, and the random assortment of garbage that graces peopleapos;s desks, I suggest we stick with standardized spelling. Even if it doesnapos;t make sense. At least I can read it.


Why yes, this is a commentary on reading Middle English at ten oapos;clock at night. Not only are the words spelled funny, but their order is all screwy. But it is entertaining to read in what we today would consider high diction (Shakespeareanish) the words of a man saying, "Iapos;d hurt you but I�canapos;t wield my sword and hold up my pants at the same time, thus I�run away."

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